It's very easy to just get a take away, but lets face it... that's not healthy, AND, it's expensive!
Use this blog to help you meal prep and discover how to get bargains on some home cooked meals. It's time to eat healthy on a budget!
Meal prep sounds scary. But when done right, it can save you a lot of money and can also be fun to create new meals each week!
It all starts by choosing the right place to shop. Making sure that the food you are buying is good for you bank balance as well as your health is also important at Uni. I suggest Aldi and Lidl for a cheap but efficient shop. They have all the same ingredients and treats as the big shops, but I guarantee your final shop total will be half the price. So try it next time you do your weekly shop.
There are thousands of recipes online on sites such as Pinterest and BBC Good Food to get you started on your cooking journey. Always start with something easy. Theres no shame in cooking a simple meal for the first few weeks of meal prepping to help you learn the basics. And choose things you like! There is no point spending your precious money at uni on foods that you are likely not to eat, but there's no harm trying a few new things every now and then if you're not a fussy eater!
How to meal prep!
Let's start at the beginning! First of all you need to buy all of the ingredients for the meal you have chosen. You can choose to meal prep the same meal for the whole week, or if you want more variety, you can prep the same meal for just a couple of days.
That's the hard bit done! Then you just need to make a batch of the recipe you have chosen. Once you've done that, just box your meals up into portions (tupperwear boxes work perfectly). Make sure you store them correctly depending on what you have cooked, for example: in the fridge or the freezer, and ENJOY!
It's that simple :)