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Writer's pictureKristen Cummings


March 2020. The world shut down, everything we’d ever known was stripped away from us and we were all told to stay home. A deadly virus called Coronavirus swept the world by storm as we faced the first pandemic our generation had ever come across. Although that was a tragic time for many people, not seeing their families for months, losing loved ones without a proper goodbye and facing things none of us had ever faced before, who we were at the beginning of 2020 in comparison to we are now are two completely different people.

Working from home became normal, whether it was education or employment, they were the rules we went by and that meant that for many of us, we had a lot of time on our hands. We learned how to live within the same four walls of our house with little to no escape, how to pass time during the day and at first, it was a struggle, but slowly we got to grips with this new way of living. The sun was shining, we could do our work outside in the comfort of our garden, many of us turned into DIY professionals, found our love for impulse shopping and home workouts were a thing. We all had so much time to play with and so many people used that time to do those jobs that we never really have time to do. For me personally it went in stages. I went into lockdown a careless, newly turned 17 year old girl, studying at her local sixth form A-Level Maths, Chemistry and Business. At one point I turned into a fitness guru, the next minute I was changing my style and learning how to mix up my makeup and then I became an official gardener and handy man’s assistant- that’s just how it was for me. We all learnt new skills and life may have taken us down a different path, but if it didn’t, then that’s ok too.

You’re feeling left behind after everybody’s life changed with Covid-19? Here’s a few things to think about now were out the other side:

1. What did you spend your time doing the most in lockdown?

It’s very likely that you found yourself drawn to one thing the most, whether that’s fitness, art, a certain TV programme or maybe found a new regime, make time for that now life is getting back to normal. That is something you built into your day by choice with all that time on your hands, now flip it and make time for it even when you’re busy. It may just be that one activity or interest that keeps your mental health on track through life and takes you away from life stresses.

2. What places do you normally go to?

Is it nightclubs, restaurants, walks? Well whatever it is, make sure you cater your style to what you’re interested in. There’s no point following all the upcoming trends, spending money on clothes you may very well like but will never wear because it doesn’t suit your lifestyle. Embrace your lifestyle and stay up to date with the trends but make them trends work with you, don’t worry about being out of date, there’s something out there that suits everybody’s lifestyle, figure out what suits yours and stick with it.

3. Be on your own path.

You may be scrolling through Instagram and finding that everybody your age are going on nights out or to festivals but you find yourself putting in hours at your desk or working in your spare time, that’s ok too. Everybody has their own path and you have forever to do whatever you want to do. If you want to go out every night, do it, if you would rather spend time at home with you family or partner then that’s cool too. Be on your path and let anybody who isn’t enjoy theirs, but never feel bad or make anybody else feel bad for not being on the same path you are.


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