Jobs are a stressful part of life however while undertaking your degree a part-time job can be essential for having enough money to live your champagne lifestyle on a lemonade budget.
Some part-time jobs help with expanding your social circle at university and all have different advantages and disadvantages. In this post, I will be listing the top 3 jobs i believe are suited to students
Retail Work:
Retail can be a fun job to have over your course at university as you can meet a new group of people of similar ages as many students often apply for positions in retail, especially if you live in a large city during your time at university.
As well as this, it can be useful to work in retail as it is flexible. most retail places offer low contract hours however provide a lot of overtime therefore you can guarantee work and add on more hours if you feel like you can balance that with the university. During my time in retail, i would work a maximum of 20 hours per week however weeks i didn't have university work to do i would do 40 hours in order to build up my savings.
Many retail environments work pro-rota therefore no two weeks in retail will have the same schedule and this may be good for you if you are worried about having a repetitive schedule.
Bar work can be very demanding as there are long hours and you tend to have to work through the night, however, it can be a good way to meet a lot more students and enjoy a club or bar setting while getting paid for it.
If you're a night owl and your schedule involves staying up till 4 watching Netflix bar work could lend itself to your body clock. As many students are night owls I see how this could be an amazing fit for some to earn some cash
Bar Work may be very difficult to fit your life around while at university but it allows you to have a typical university experience while getting paid for meeting new people and having fun
Content Creation:
86% of young people say they want to post social media content for money - LIFE STUDY
It's a fact that many young people already know how to navigate social media so why not hone in and adapt your skills to earn some cash while at university. there are many different ways you can post on social media and earn money either through your own social platform form or with a company.
Many apps that promise quick cash for a post on social media can be unreliable that's why it's important to reach out and market your skills to reliable companies in order for this method of money-making to be successful.
Approach your university, many of them have social media that need management and many universities will pay you to produce content that will entice other people to want to learn at there establishment